Advanced Intune Device Query: Joining Across Categories

Last time, we went over the basics of Intune Device Query and how to pull data from the Device category using KQL. If you’ve been playing around with it, hopefully, you’re starting to see just how powerful it can be. But what if you need data from multiple categories?

Read the first part here:

That's where the join comes in.

Why You Need Joins

In the real world, your queries will often need data that lives in different categories. For example:

  • You might want hardware details (from a hardware category) along with compliance status (from the Compliance category).

  • Maybe you need to see all autopilot-enrolled devices and check their TPM status (from Tpm).

  • Or you could be troubleshooting a performance issue and need to combine OS Version with general device info from Device.

To do this, we need to join multiple datasets together.

The Join Operator

In KQL, join lets you combine two datasets based on a shared value—like a Device ID or Entra ID. It works like an inner join in SQL, meaning it will only return rows that match in both datasets.

Here's the basic syntax:

Category 1
| join Category2

Example: Finding Microsoft Devices with 8GB RAM

Let's say we want to see Microsoft-manufactured devices that have exactly 8GB of RAM and display their Device Name, Device ID, and Entra Device ID.

This is what our query would look like:

| where Manufacturer == "Microsoft"
| join MemoryInfo
| where PhysicalMemoryTotalBytes == "8589934592"
| project DeviceName, DeviceId, EntraDeviceId

Let's break it down:

1. Filter for Microsoft devices

| where Manufacturer == "Microsoft"

This limits the dataset to only devices made by Microsoft (e.g., Surface laptops and Hyper-V virtual machines).

2. Join with MemoryInfo Category

| join MemoryInfo

This brings in MemoryInfo, which contains RAM details for each device.

3. Filter devices with exactly 8GB of RAM

| where PhysicalMemoryTotalBytes = "8589934592"

Since memory is measured in bytes, 8GB is 8 × 1024 × 1024 × 1024 = 8589934592 bytes.

This ensures we’re only looking at devices with 8GB of physical RAM.

4. Select relevant columns

| project DeviceName, DeviceId, EntraDeviceId

The final output displays:

  • DeviceName: Friendly name of the device

  • DeviceId: Unique identifier for the device in Intune

  • EntraDeviceId: Corresponding ID in Microsoft Entra ID

Like anything else, the best way to get comfortable is to start writing your own queries and experiment. Let me know what you come up with!

Steve Weiner